Marcus’ Corner


What is connection? 


What does it actually mean to be connected to something or someone?

My beautiful wife just recently preached a message and the focus, at least I thought, was about connection. 

So what connects us to an individual? Is it a human emotion or characteristic?

 Does the essence  of connection, focuses on the premise of time or lack of there of? And if so, does that concept invoke  the likeliness of longevity or instant chemistry?

Is it a particular circumstance, wither good or bad? is it sexuaI, or a fantasy or another human being like a child or pet? Is it family or a bond by blood?
Is it spiritual or a much deeper meaning?

I would love to hear your comments. 
Personally, what do you feel like  your character is drawn to, to thus make connections?
what do you love or hate about your character that makes connections?

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