
I hope that you are in good health, and prospering even as your soul prospers. This letter is to keep the masses informed of what is going on through the transitioning of writing these books.

First off, all the glory belongs to God and his son Jesus for putting me in the position that I am currently in. The first 5 chapters of "Miles "Lucky" Clifford" are being edited as we speak, it also needs to be proofread. It will be available as an audio book as well.

Also, I am currently writing "The Jenkins Family" book which is an extension of the Miles Story. Miles is a story of a faultless young boy, coming into power, following the story of Samson out of the bible. Definitely an excellent read that ties in the "Into the Eyes of Darkness" Book.

Hello all, I hope this message is finding you in good health and prospering as your soul prospers. It is December 21, and in spite of what my family has been through, we are so grateful. At the particular moment, Miles Lucky Clifford should be out on eBook In English and Spanish, as well as audiobook in English and Spanish as well. On probably the middle of January I will be dropping my sophomore book called The Jenkins Family, stay tuned and be blessed.

Hello as always, I hope this is finding you in good health and prospering even as your soul prospers. I just put out my short story called Untethered Connections. It happens in the aftermath of Cynthia and Chase. It is out now on Kdp, Apple, google and much more. I am favored by God to continue to write these stories, the audiobook well be put soon as well. It is a continuation of the Jenkins Family story. Stay tuned....

Hello as always, I hope this is finding you in good health and prospering even as your soul prospers. I felt a shift today after a dream I had. I was writing the part 2 to the Miles book. When God nudged me with numerous ideas for this story. I'm in the second chapter, and instead of me writing the intro's some of the most powerful men and women will do them. I'm so grateful that God would choose me to tell this story.

Hello as always, I hope this is finding you in good health and prospering even as your soul prospers. The Book of James is being edited and dropped off to some beta readers. The story give more insight and characterization to the character Brock James. I am trying to pace myself on not to come out with the books when I am finished with them. But if you know me you know I get excited.

Hello as always, I hope that you are prospering as you all’s soul prospers. The story is done it’s called the Cycle of Completion. Very indepth book dealing with faith and lost, but most notably the Sower the seed and the soil. It is my first novel that I’m putting out next month in September. I will keep you all posted.